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Stroop  color-word   interference  test   by Masume OTR
Purpose :  Differentiate between non-brain-damaged psychiatric and brain-damaged patients  Age Range :  15 to 90 years  Admin :  Individual  Admin Time :  5 minutes (timed)  Stroop results  can be used in the diagnosis of brain dysfunction and in the evaluation of stress, personality, cognition, ADHD, and psychopathology. Because it is brief, requires very little education, and is not culturally biased, this unique test is an ideal way  to screen for neuropsychological deficits.
Stroop test Designed by  John Ridley Stroop Selective attention ,  cognitive flexibility ,  Switching ,  inhibition 2phases: Congruent and interference conditions
Procedure-Trial phase:  V B N M
Procedure-Trial phase:  V B N M
Procedure-Trial phase:  V B N M
Procedure-Trial phase:  V B N M
Procedure- congruent condition:  سبز V B N M
Procedure- congruent condition:  آبی V B N M
Procedure- congruent condition:  قرمز V B N M
Procedure- congruent condition:  زرد V B N M
Procedure- interference condition:  زرد V B N M
Procedure- interference condition:  قرمز V B N M
Procedure- interference condition:  سبز V B N M
Procedure- interference condition:  آبی V B N M
Scoring : Trial time (s) Errors Missed responses Reaction time (ms) Interference score true responses in congruent condition -  true responses in interference condition
Stroop, time recorded time Stimulus appeared Response Each stimulus lasts for 2000 ms ---- Reaction time ----- Inter-stimuli time  800 ms
Sample score sheet: congruent Interference Trial time (s) زمان آزمایش  Reaction time (ms) زمان واکنش زمان واکنش بالاتر شانگر بازداری  کمتر است  Errors تعداد خطاها  تعداد صحیح corrects 12 11 No response تعداد بدون پاسخ  Interference score نمره تداخل نمره تداخل = نمره تعداد همخوان درست – تعداد ناهمخوان درست 1   نمره تداخل نشانگر کنترل توسط فرد است
Executive Functioning (EF)
Executive functions – what are they? If you were to ask three psychologists for a definition of ‘executive function most would agree it  centres around our ability to control our thoughts and actions in order to respond flexibly to our environment.  In other words, all the abilities that enable a person to analyse  what they want, how they might get it, and then carry that plan out, often over long periods of time. Executive functions differ from many other functions in the brain in that they do not appear to be dedicated to a specific task (such as moving a finger or processing sound). Instead, the frontal regions of the brain that play a role in all executive functions are available to  make new associations, engage in planning, make decisions and inhibit impulses – mental processes that free an organism up from responding only to an immediate situation.  It is also widely accepted that executive functions  play a critical part in complex social behaviour.
Measures such as the Stroop Color–Word Interference Test were not originally designed to be used as clinical measures (Burgess et al., 2006).  These instruments  later  found their way into the clinical realm and  have been used to help predict difficulties with  everyday functioning  primarily based on the assumption that they assess functions/constructs that are important to carrying out real-world activities. As an  example , with regard to the Stroop, one might hypothesize that  the ability to inhibit an automatic , overlearned  response  would, at times, be beneficial to the safe driving of an automobile,  such as being able to withhold a reflex to press the brakes if a traffic light turns red  when the driver is halfway through the intersection.
The Stroop Test is of interest in  evaluating resistance to cognitive interference .
THE   STROOP  TEST  The test is  based on the Stroop effect  and consists of  asking the subject to respond to only one of the parts  of which the stimulus is made up,  inhibiting the response to the other part . The subject is shown the name of a colour written in a colour different from the colour named  and  asked to say  the name of the colour  in which the word is written . For example, the subject may be shown the word RED  قرمز   written in green and the  subject must respond by saying GREEN .  The subject must therefore  inhibit  the reading process  and  activate  the colour recognition process . Different authors have shown  with neuroimaging techniques  that the  right frontal regions , in particular the  right anterior cingulate gyrus  (zones 23, 24, 32) and  the right orbital zones  (10 and 47), are involved during the Stroop Test (Bench et al., 1983; Pardo et al., 1990).
A final example of  an early screening   test for   attentional difficulties is the Stroop procedur e   (A. R. Jensen & Rohwer, 1966; Stroop, 1935).  کتاب مارنات فصل  14  صفحه  1030
Response Inhibition :  It Starts with   Stopping Russell   Barkley, Ph.D has created the response inhibition theory,that places primary emphasis on response inhibition—that is,  the ability to hold back a response . humans are  able to pause and think  through the various response options and then choose the best one. It’s an almost  invisible information processing  that happens in a split second. An  example  is almost  subconsciously deciding to ignore the sound of someone dropping a pen while you’re working at your computer  (i.e.,  not getting distracted ), or  holding your thought to what someone is saying until she finishes talking  (i.e.,  not impulsively interrupting ).
neurophysiological studies have pointed to certain  parts of the brain being involved  in selective attention ,  Particularly the  extrastriate visual cortex  and  the parietal lobes .  Evidence of selective attention deficits  was then discussed for two conditions in which such deficits have often been hypothesized,  Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia . Other conditions were then considered, including closed head injury and stroke . A phenomenon that occurs in the latter condition,  unilateral negle ct.
توجه پايدار و بازداري پاسخ در كودكان مبتلا به نارسايي توجه /  فزون كنشي در مقايسه با كودكان عادي توجه متمركز يا انتخابي، نشان دهنده ي توان فرد براي جلوگيري از حواس پرتي  ( بازداري تداخل )  به منظور تمركز دادن توجه به محرك  ( هاي )  هدف است   در مقابل، توجه پايدار توانايي نگه داشت توجه متمركز در طول زمان مي باشد به اين ترتيب، به نظر ميرسد همان گونه كه باركلي اظهار مي كند هم توجه انتخابي و هم توجه پايدار به توان فرد براي بازداري تداخل و حتي انواع ديگر بازداري بستگي داشته باشند .
اثر تداخل  باعث می شود عملکرد افراد در سرعت نامیدن کلمات ناهمخوان نسبت به همخوان کاهش پیدا کند . اعتبار  این آزمون استروپ در بازآزمایی از 0.81  تا  0.91  درصد گزارش شده است .
Selective attention  typically  involves searching for a target item amongst a display of distracter items.   The Stroop task,  however , involves attending to a particular feature of a stimulus while trying to ignore a second feature of the same stimulus. If the stimulus happens to be a word, then the word itself proves difficult to ignore, and we have to work hard to inhibit this tendency.  Thus the Stroop is more usually seen as  a test of inhibition , One theory of  frontal lobe function  (Fuster, 1989) suggests that the frontal lobes perform several key processes. The  first, according to Fuster, is to inhibit behaviours and control interference.
Improving the  ecological validity  of executive functioning assessment Naomi Chaytor a,b,∗, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe a, Robert Burr c a Washington State University, Department of Psychology, Pullman, WA, United States b Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Houston, TX, United States c Sacred Heart Medical Center, Neuropsychology Program, Spokane, WA, United States Accepted 13 December 2005 It is assumed that the impaired brain processes, which lead to  poor performance on a neuropsychological test, will also lead to poor performance in other situations outside the test  situation . In other words, it is assumed that neuropsychological tests have ecological validity. Despite study differences, even in those studies that have reported favorable ecological validity,  the magnitude of the relationships tended to be moderate, ranging from .27 to .65, when significant.  This means that a large amount of the variance in everyday executive skills remains unaccounted for.
many characteristics  of traditional neuropsychological assessment  can pose problems for ecological validity research , effectively placing a limit on the amount of variance in everyday skills that can be accounted for by neuropsychological testing. These characteristics include  the nature of the testing environment , incomplete agreement on what constructs the tests measure , the small sample of behavior observed during testing ,  and the inability to use compensatory strategies. There are  also several noncognitive factors  that can influence the relationship between test performance and everyday performance. These noncognitive factors include  emotional problems ,  level of premorbid functioning ,  motor functioning , health problems , and varying environmental cognitive demands (Long & Kibby; Sbordone, 1997). The  cognitive deficit and the environment interact to produce behavior, and therefore both need to be assessed if ecological validity is to be demonstrated  (Chelune, 1985; Goldstein, 1996; Heinrichs, 1990)
In this study, Trails  B and the Stroop Color–Word score were found to have the highest ecological validity,  while the WCST perseverative errors was not related to everyday executive functioning. It should be noted that both the Trails B  and Stroop Color–Word score  involve speeded processing in addition to executive functioning , which may partially account for the higher Ecological validity of these two tasks . As a whole, the current set of commonly used executive tests  failed  to significantly predict everyday executive functioning . The executive tests combined accounted for 18–20% of the variance in everyday executive ability.  Adding  assessment of environmental cognitive demand and compensatory strategy use to the set of executive tests  resulted in a model that accounted for 51% of the  variance  in everyday executive ability .
Thanks for your attention Questions?

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  • 1. Stroop color-word interference test by Masume OTR
  • 2. Purpose : Differentiate between non-brain-damaged psychiatric and brain-damaged patients Age Range : 15 to 90 years Admin : Individual Admin Time : 5 minutes (timed) Stroop results can be used in the diagnosis of brain dysfunction and in the evaluation of stress, personality, cognition, ADHD, and psychopathology. Because it is brief, requires very little education, and is not culturally biased, this unique test is an ideal way to screen for neuropsychological deficits.
  • 3. Stroop test Designed by John Ridley Stroop Selective attention , cognitive flexibility , Switching , inhibition 2phases: Congruent and interference conditions
  • 4. Procedure-Trial phase: V B N M
  • 5. Procedure-Trial phase: V B N M
  • 6. Procedure-Trial phase: V B N M
  • 7. Procedure-Trial phase: V B N M
  • 8. Procedure- congruent condition: سبز V B N M
  • 9. Procedure- congruent condition: آبی V B N M
  • 10. Procedure- congruent condition: قرمز V B N M
  • 11. Procedure- congruent condition: زرد V B N M
  • 12. Procedure- interference condition: زرد V B N M
  • 13. Procedure- interference condition: قرمز V B N M
  • 14. Procedure- interference condition: سبز V B N M
  • 15. Procedure- interference condition: آبی V B N M
  • 16. Scoring : Trial time (s) Errors Missed responses Reaction time (ms) Interference score true responses in congruent condition - true responses in interference condition
  • 17. Stroop, time recorded time Stimulus appeared Response Each stimulus lasts for 2000 ms ---- Reaction time ----- Inter-stimuli time 800 ms
  • 18. Sample score sheet: congruent Interference Trial time (s) زمان آزمایش Reaction time (ms) زمان واکنش زمان واکنش بالاتر شانگر بازداری کمتر است Errors تعداد خطاها تعداد صحیح corrects 12 11 No response تعداد بدون پاسخ Interference score نمره تداخل نمره تداخل = نمره تعداد همخوان درست – تعداد ناهمخوان درست 1 نمره تداخل نشانگر کنترل توسط فرد است
  • 19.  
  • 20.  
  • 21. Executive Functioning (EF)
  • 22. Executive functions – what are they? If you were to ask three psychologists for a definition of ‘executive function most would agree it centres around our ability to control our thoughts and actions in order to respond flexibly to our environment. In other words, all the abilities that enable a person to analyse what they want, how they might get it, and then carry that plan out, often over long periods of time. Executive functions differ from many other functions in the brain in that they do not appear to be dedicated to a specific task (such as moving a finger or processing sound). Instead, the frontal regions of the brain that play a role in all executive functions are available to make new associations, engage in planning, make decisions and inhibit impulses – mental processes that free an organism up from responding only to an immediate situation. It is also widely accepted that executive functions play a critical part in complex social behaviour.
  • 23. Measures such as the Stroop Color–Word Interference Test were not originally designed to be used as clinical measures (Burgess et al., 2006). These instruments later found their way into the clinical realm and have been used to help predict difficulties with everyday functioning primarily based on the assumption that they assess functions/constructs that are important to carrying out real-world activities. As an example , with regard to the Stroop, one might hypothesize that the ability to inhibit an automatic , overlearned response would, at times, be beneficial to the safe driving of an automobile, such as being able to withhold a reflex to press the brakes if a traffic light turns red when the driver is halfway through the intersection.
  • 24. The Stroop Test is of interest in evaluating resistance to cognitive interference .
  • 25. THE STROOP TEST The test is based on the Stroop effect and consists of asking the subject to respond to only one of the parts of which the stimulus is made up, inhibiting the response to the other part . The subject is shown the name of a colour written in a colour different from the colour named and asked to say the name of the colour in which the word is written . For example, the subject may be shown the word RED قرمز written in green and the subject must respond by saying GREEN . The subject must therefore inhibit the reading process and activate the colour recognition process . Different authors have shown with neuroimaging techniques that the right frontal regions , in particular the right anterior cingulate gyrus (zones 23, 24, 32) and the right orbital zones (10 and 47), are involved during the Stroop Test (Bench et al., 1983; Pardo et al., 1990).
  • 26. A final example of an early screening test for attentional difficulties is the Stroop procedur e (A. R. Jensen & Rohwer, 1966; Stroop, 1935). کتاب مارنات فصل 14 صفحه 1030
  • 27. Response Inhibition : It Starts with Stopping Russell Barkley, Ph.D has created the response inhibition theory,that places primary emphasis on response inhibition—that is, the ability to hold back a response . humans are able to pause and think through the various response options and then choose the best one. It’s an almost invisible information processing that happens in a split second. An example is almost subconsciously deciding to ignore the sound of someone dropping a pen while you’re working at your computer (i.e., not getting distracted ), or holding your thought to what someone is saying until she finishes talking (i.e., not impulsively interrupting ).
  • 28. neurophysiological studies have pointed to certain parts of the brain being involved in selective attention , Particularly the extrastriate visual cortex and the parietal lobes . Evidence of selective attention deficits was then discussed for two conditions in which such deficits have often been hypothesized, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia . Other conditions were then considered, including closed head injury and stroke . A phenomenon that occurs in the latter condition, unilateral negle ct.
  • 29. توجه پايدار و بازداري پاسخ در كودكان مبتلا به نارسايي توجه / فزون كنشي در مقايسه با كودكان عادي توجه متمركز يا انتخابي، نشان دهنده ي توان فرد براي جلوگيري از حواس پرتي ( بازداري تداخل ) به منظور تمركز دادن توجه به محرك ( هاي ) هدف است در مقابل، توجه پايدار توانايي نگه داشت توجه متمركز در طول زمان مي باشد به اين ترتيب، به نظر ميرسد همان گونه كه باركلي اظهار مي كند هم توجه انتخابي و هم توجه پايدار به توان فرد براي بازداري تداخل و حتي انواع ديگر بازداري بستگي داشته باشند .
  • 30. اثر تداخل باعث می شود عملکرد افراد در سرعت نامیدن کلمات ناهمخوان نسبت به همخوان کاهش پیدا کند . اعتبار این آزمون استروپ در بازآزمایی از 0.81 تا 0.91 درصد گزارش شده است .
  • 31. Selective attention typically involves searching for a target item amongst a display of distracter items. The Stroop task, however , involves attending to a particular feature of a stimulus while trying to ignore a second feature of the same stimulus. If the stimulus happens to be a word, then the word itself proves difficult to ignore, and we have to work hard to inhibit this tendency. Thus the Stroop is more usually seen as a test of inhibition , One theory of frontal lobe function (Fuster, 1989) suggests that the frontal lobes perform several key processes. The first, according to Fuster, is to inhibit behaviours and control interference.
  • 32.  
  • 33. Improving the ecological validity of executive functioning assessment Naomi Chaytor a,b,∗, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe a, Robert Burr c a Washington State University, Department of Psychology, Pullman, WA, United States b Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Houston, TX, United States c Sacred Heart Medical Center, Neuropsychology Program, Spokane, WA, United States Accepted 13 December 2005 It is assumed that the impaired brain processes, which lead to poor performance on a neuropsychological test, will also lead to poor performance in other situations outside the test situation . In other words, it is assumed that neuropsychological tests have ecological validity. Despite study differences, even in those studies that have reported favorable ecological validity, the magnitude of the relationships tended to be moderate, ranging from .27 to .65, when significant. This means that a large amount of the variance in everyday executive skills remains unaccounted for.
  • 34. many characteristics of traditional neuropsychological assessment can pose problems for ecological validity research , effectively placing a limit on the amount of variance in everyday skills that can be accounted for by neuropsychological testing. These characteristics include the nature of the testing environment , incomplete agreement on what constructs the tests measure , the small sample of behavior observed during testing , and the inability to use compensatory strategies. There are also several noncognitive factors that can influence the relationship between test performance and everyday performance. These noncognitive factors include emotional problems , level of premorbid functioning , motor functioning , health problems , and varying environmental cognitive demands (Long & Kibby; Sbordone, 1997). The cognitive deficit and the environment interact to produce behavior, and therefore both need to be assessed if ecological validity is to be demonstrated (Chelune, 1985; Goldstein, 1996; Heinrichs, 1990)
  • 35. In this study, Trails B and the Stroop Color–Word score were found to have the highest ecological validity, while the WCST perseverative errors was not related to everyday executive functioning. It should be noted that both the Trails B and Stroop Color–Word score involve speeded processing in addition to executive functioning , which may partially account for the higher Ecological validity of these two tasks . As a whole, the current set of commonly used executive tests failed to significantly predict everyday executive functioning . The executive tests combined accounted for 18–20% of the variance in everyday executive ability. Adding assessment of environmental cognitive demand and compensatory strategy use to the set of executive tests resulted in a model that accounted for 51% of the variance in everyday executive ability .
  • 36. Thanks for your attention Questions?
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  • 39.  
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玻璃钢生产厂家商场周年庆 美陈阿里巴巴玻璃钢雕塑不准用广州步行街玻璃钢雕塑四川玻璃钢雕塑商家玻璃钢佛钟雕塑厂吉林市玻璃钢雕塑定制玻璃钢雕塑工资2021国庆节商场美陈河南铜玻璃钢卡通雕塑价格深圳公园摆件玻璃钢人物雕塑廊坊牢固玻璃钢座椅雕塑咸宁商场美陈小型玻璃钢雕塑常用解决方案商场墙壁美陈装饰图片史泰龙玻璃钢雕塑定做贵阳玻璃钢泡沫雕塑台湾玻璃钢雕塑制作厂家仙桃玻璃钢动物雕塑报价西藏公园玻璃钢雕塑价格玻璃钢高飞狗雕塑玻璃钢花盆店铺湖南玻璃钢人物雕塑厂商场美陈休闲玻璃钢动物雕塑工艺品大厅海陵玻璃钢花盆花器浙江走廊商场美陈厂家供应红桥玻璃钢花盆菏泽室外玻璃钢彩绘雕塑厂家深圳泰佳成玻璃钢雕塑厂招工永康玻璃钢人物雕塑制作香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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