
楼顶 鱼池防水怎么做

1、 基面处理是防水施工的基础和关键,为了确保其坚固、平整、干净等,施工前需要清理基面,如有空隙、裂缝等缺陷要先用水泥砂浆修补抹平,阴阳角处应要抹成圆弧形,且保持基面湿润无明水。










【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Base surface treatment is the foundation and key of waterproof construction. In order to ensure its firmness, smoothness and cleanliness, the base surface needs to be cleaned before construction. If there are gaps, cracks and other defects, it should be repaired and smoothed with cement mortar. It should be smeared into a circular arc, and the base surface should be kept moist and free of clear water.

2. Pay attention when brushing. When brushing for the first time, the strength should be uniform and do not miss the brush. It should not be too thick to prevent cracks after drying.

3. After 24 hours of construction, it is recommended to cover the coating with a damp cloth or spray with water to maintain the coating. It is forbidden to step on, rain, expose to the sun and damage from sharp objects before it is completely dry.

4. Carefully check when painting, especially the joints, yin and yang corners, etc. After the construction is completed, a closed water test should be done for 48 hours. The closed water height should be raised as much as possible, not less than 20cm, and then carefully check whether the water level drops Whether there is leakage.

5. Paint the protective layer of cement mortar.