
订单 备注是什么意思

订单备注可以标注自己的一些要求,以 华为手机为例,在点外卖时,可以备注自己不吃辣,在线上购物时,打开备注页面,可以备注需要使用哪家物流公司,一般在订单支付页面,会出现此选项。






【英文介绍/For English】:

You can mark some of your requirements in the order notes. Take Huawei mobile phones as an example. When ordering takeout, you can note that you don’t eat spicy food. When shopping online, you can open the note page and note which logistics company you need to use. Generally, it is on the order payment page , the option appears.

Mobile phone usage skills: 1. Huawei p40Pro cannot be charged. It may be that the power plug is faulty. You can replace it with a power plug and charge it again.

2. Huawei p40Pro supports face recognition, which can be used for face unlocking. Turn on the phone, click the desktop setting option, select biometrics and password, select face recognition, enter facial information to use the unlock function.

3. Huawei p40Pro has a smart assistant function, which can help users quickly turn on some functions. Turn on the phone, click the settings icon on the desktop, click desktop and wallpaper, click desktop settings, and turn on the smart assistant to use it.